Little Ada update

So we’re still in hospital doesn’t look like we’re going anywhere any time soon. They want to monitor and see how the next day or so goes.

They can’t give Ada any meds for the seizures until she has one here so just having to wait it out.

They think she had a Tonic seizure last night

She’s just had a CT scan they want to see if something has changed any additional pressure from the cyst etc so just waiting on the results of that then she’s having a ECG next.

Still will be heading to Leeds for MRI and meeting with the neurosurgeon. so just a case of waiting on results and being their for Ada should any more seizures happen.

So looks like we shall be spending half term in hospital 😞

All very scary. Thanks for the support everyone it’s nice to have a safe space to vent it out it’s all quite a lot to cope with xxx

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